Guest Spot: Red Dead Redemption 2

TFTB Ep. 70: Red Dead Redemption 2

Luke and I had the pleasure of guesting on the Tales from the Backlog, where we covered one of our all-time favorites: Red Dead Redemption 2. Released in 2018 by Rockstar Games, this masterpiece is available on Xbox One/Series X/Series S, PlayStation 4/5, and PC. It follows the story of Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang, as they navigate the changing times of the Wild West.

Although we covered RDR2 on our own podcast June of last year, I hadn't yet finished the game. It was a treat to come back and discuss it with Dave after having rolled the credits.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is not only one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, but it also boasts one of the best protagonists in the medium. Arthur Morgan's character arc is complex and deeply engaging, making him one of the most memorable video game characters of all time.

One of the things that sets Red Dead Redemption 2 apart from other games is its attention to detail. From the way characters interact with the environment to the way animals behave, every aspect of the game feels meticulously crafted. This level of detail can be seen in the game's graphics as well. The landscapes are stunningly realistic, and the game's lighting system creates a sense of immersion that few other games can match.

Another aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2 that we discussed on the podcast is its approach to morality. As you progress through the game, you'll be presented with choices that will impact the story and how other characters view you. While many games have morality systems, Red Dead Redemption 2's is particularly effective. Your choices aren't simply a matter of good vs. evil; instead, they often come down to choosing the lesser of two evils, and the consequences of those choices are often unforeseeable.

In short, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece that should be experienced by anyone who loves video games. Its attention to detail, stunning graphics, and engaging story make it one of the best games of all time.

For all the great things about Red Dead Redemption 2, I'd be remiss not to mention Rockstar's past with crunch. In the lead up to the game's release, reports emerged of Rockstar employees working grueling hours in order to meet deadlines. This sparked a conversation about the video game industry's treatment of workers, and many players began to question the morality of supporting companies that exploit their employees. It's important to acknowledge that behind every piece of media we consume, there are human beings working to create it. While I love RDR2, I hope that the industry can continue to move towards a more ethical way of operating in the future.

Thanks again to Dave for having us on the show and allowing us to discuss a goat!

By Alex | Low Five Gaming

Revisit LFG Ep. 11: Red Dead Redemption 2

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